The client relied heavily on its enterprise data warehouse to deliver answers and insights to the business. However, the client was constrained by an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) that was fragile and inflexible. They recognized the need for a forward-looking design and were committed to establishing an EDW that would be durable and flexible. However, the process of redesigning its EDW had experienced setbacks, and was lacking momentum and continuity.
Verista deployed senior data professionals to assess the current state. We provided a reference architecture for the “to-be” EDW, ensuring the architecture and design would provide a forward-looking platform for analytics, and where possible identify risks and opportunities for improvement at all levels (process, data, technology). We also established practical, effective data governance, in a manner that promoted trust and confidence in the EDW. We defined a technical blueprint that leveraged on-premise technology investments, and also defined a transitional path to the Microsoft Cloud.
for IT and the business to curate and blend new data and applications into the EDW
of the blueprint in a “factory mode,” delivering business value at each step
to implement quick wins and onboarding new client leadership and staff