Due to years of disparate IT initiatives, the R&D business unit faced challenges with its application portfolio. There was a high cost to maintain applications that delivered little value to the business. Technology sprawl with multiple applications providing similar functionality existed. There was high risks associated with unpredictable software products or vendors, and purchased software licenses going unused.
Verista leveraged our Application Rationalization framework and accelerators to develop a strategic roadmap to quantify the value, cost, and risk associated with each application. We performed in-depth discovery, from both a technology and business perspective. Also, Verista defined and weighted the criteria used to measure the value, cost, and risk of each application in scope. We summarized the disposition of applications and delivered an 18-month roadmap of initiatives that included modernization, retirement, and increased adoption of existing platforms.
of approximately 10% of the portfolio, leveraging Hawkins Point’s retirement framework
in functionality from other applications to accelerate application retirement
of more than 25% of the number of required software licenses